What Makes Good Pastureland and Paddocks

There are several things you need to consider when buying a horse farm in Kentucky, but possibly one of the most important is its pastureland. Since this is what offers exercise and nourishment to your horses, you want to ensure that it’s good quality.

Luckily, Kentucky is home to some of the best pastureland in the country. The soil around the state, and especially in Fayette County, is naturally nourished by limestone. The limestone gives vital nutrients to the soil that makes it extremely fertile, so bluegrass and other crops thrive. Since grasses are so rich in nutrients, Kentucky pastureland is a paradise for horses.

Even though Kentucky is known for its incredible soil, it’s nevertheless important to consider certain aspects of the pastureland and paddocks when buying a horse farm. Here is what makes good pastureland for you and your horses:

Variety in Grass

Ideally, nutritional pastures and paddocks for horses have a variety of grasses and legumes. Kentucky is known for its bluegrass, but the region also grows orchardgrass, tall fescue, and bermudagrass—all of which horses love.

There are do-it-yourself tricks to figure out the variety of grasses and legumes on the property, but it’s always best to get a specialist to check it out before you buy the horse farm.

High Percentage of Vegetative Coverage

Depending on the horse, it can graze for up to 18-hours a day, so you want to ensure that your pastureland and paddocks have enough vegetative coverage to accommodate the animals.

Typically, land should have at least 70% vegetative coverage . This means there should be grass and legumes on most of the land. If there’s only fertile grass on 50-70% of the land, you might have to consider adding some weed control and reseeding the pasture.

If over half of the land is covered with water or rock or non-grassy areas, the land will most likely have to be reestablished.

So, before settling on a horse farm, ensure that the land has a high percentage of vegetative coverage to ensure you can use it as pastures and paddocks for you horses.

Good Water Drainage

An important thing to consider before buying a horse farm is the property’s natural water drainage. If the pasture and paddock does not have good water drainage, the land will become less than ideal for the horses to graze.

If you notice any muddy clumps in the paddocks, odds are the drainage isn’t suitable in that area. You want to make sure that the rain and water gently drain into the soil and move away from any buildings. The best land to look for is one that has a slight slope. This way the water will naturally drain away rather than settle into mud clumps.

Ample Size

Before buying a horse farm, make sure that the pastureland and paddocks are large enough for you and your horses. Usually, horses require around two acres of land where they can graze. Any less and you’ll have to put more work into the maintenance of the land.

When considering the size of the property, make sure you know your future goals. You may want to expand your farm in the future, so purchase enough land that will accommodate your plans.

To learn more about what to look out for in pastureland and paddocks, reach out to one of our local agents. We can help you determine what property is best for you and your lifestyle!

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