When you picture a Kentucky horse farm, there is almost certainly a particular type of fencing that immediately comes to mind.
The Classic Black Fence
The classic, black, 4-board fencing that can be found throughout Kentucky’s Bluegrass region.
And there’s a very good reason for this.
First off, the paint color - black paint simply lasts longer and shows wear better. You can get away with painting a black fence once every 5 years, whereas a similar fence painted white would require touch ups every 2 years likely.
Secondly, why four boards?
Well, horses will often put their heads through a 3-board fence to eat grass on the other side. An overreaction could cause them to pull their head away suddenly, removing multiple boards from the fence and even injuring the horse.
Depending on the area of Kentucky different types of wood are used more often. Oak is likely the most popular because of its durability, but fences can also be constructed using poplar, cypress or locust.
Plastic Fences
Plastic can be an extremely safe and durable material to construct your fence out of.
This type of fencing can be incredibly resilient to the weather and last a long time. Plus, the nature of the material means you won’t need to re-painting and touching it up. Also, if a horse were to run into it, the boards will simply pop off instead of splintering and causing injury as a wooden fence might.
A con is certainly the lack of that classic appeal. Horse farm owners looking for that true classic Kentucky horse farm esthetic are likely to be disappointed.
Also, depending on the type of plastic fencing, it can be quite expensive. Also, while strong, it’s not indestructible. As noted before, a bit of force (like from a leaning horse) can cause the boards to pop off.
Wire Fences
Diamond wire mesh with a top board is the safest type of wire fencing, but it also happens to be among the most expensive types of fencing around. The dense weave of the wire wesh means that horses can’t get their feet through.
Once up, it’s also very durable and incredibly low maintenance. It’s certainly not the classic look that may look for, but it does its job exceptionally well.
No climb wire is a less expensive alternative, but with the drop in cost comes a drop in lifespan as well. The fencing must also be tightened annually and should be inspected regularly. Growing trees and other foliage can warp the fencing if you aren’t careful.
Fences to Stay Away From
Other types of wire fencing are popular on other types of farms but are not ideal for horses for various reasons.
Hog wire is spaced out to widely, so horses can easily get their feet caught in them.
Electric fencing is an attractive solution for many reasons but not ideal high-strung or the thoroughbred horses commonly found in the Bluegrass region of Central Kentucky. These types of horses will commonly react poorly and may not stay within the fence as intended.
Interested in learning more about owning a horse farm in Central Kentucky? Please contact us online or call 859-608-8039 today!
Posted by Hill Parker on
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