The land is arguably Kentucky’s largest and most valuable resource.
In particular Central Kentucky and the areas surrounding Lexington is brimming with fertile and absolutely stunning gently rolling hills, ripe for development. This land is well suited for a wide range of uses, from agricultural pursuits to raising horses, among many other applications.
Plus land is an incredible investment at the best of times for a lot of reasons, and the time has never been better to invest in Kentucky land.
Here’s why.
Land is Just a Smart Investment
Real estate in general is usually regarded as one of the more stable investments you can make. And among the different types of real estate investments, land is especially stable and dependable as a long-term investment.
Just think about it - in terms of supply and demand, demand for land is only going to increase as populations grow, and there is only so much land to go around.
Compared to other industries and investments including the stock market, land values are incredible stable. Because of this they are a great hedge against inflation and economic downturns - land values will only ever increase along with the general prices for goods and services.
Read Our Guide to Buying Land in Kentucky
But, Why now?
The amount of uncertainty in today’s world has created a great deal of economic turmoil is many industries across the United States. Despite this uncertainty in many segments of the economy, purchases of land and interest in land have increased by more than 100% in some areas of the country.
We’ve already covered that owning land is an incredible secure investment to make in the long-term and this is exactly the type of investment a lot of folks out there look for in times of uncertainty.
It can also provide a source of passive income. Depending on the type of land you own, what the zoning is and whether or not you plan to invest further, there are numerous ways you can make a good supplemental income from your land.
Plus, simply put - buyers are looking.
With shelter in place orders in place around many areas of the country, people have more time than ever to browse listings online and consider what they want to do with their lives.
A more rural lifestyle away from the city has never looked better for those holed up in their small apartments, which is the case for many urban residents of America’s largest cities
Land Is an Incredibly Versatile Investment
You’ll have to be careful to learn exactly what the land you’re interested in is zoned as before you purchase, but beyond that, land can be what you make of it.
Whether, you plan to sit on the property and re-sell, buy and lease, buy and sell with owner-financing, or develop the land, you’re bound to make a profit.
Relatively speaking, raw land is cheap. Of course, the actual cost of land can vary pretty dramatically depending on the type of land, it’s location and the amount of acreage. It can be a great way for many to get into investing without the need of a bank loan.
Lastly, as far as maintenance costs go, most land requires little or no maintenance at all, with the exception of property taxes of course. You can never escape taxes.
Are you interested in making a land or farm purchase in the Lexington, KY area? Please get in touch with Hill or Regan Parker online or call 859-608-8039 today!
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