you should choose kentucky for your horse farm. here's why

We may be more than a little biased, but we think our corner of Central Kentucky may be the greatest place on the planet.

That may be hyperbole, but an incontestable fact is the state of Kentucky’s reigning position as the place to buy a horse farm, in particular the areas surrounding Lexington. We’re the home of the world-famous Kentucky Derby after all.

From the lack of government restrictions right down to the land itself, there really isn’t another contender for horse capital of the World.

You should choose Kentucky for your horse farm - here’s why.

Start Your Lexington Horse Farm Search Today!

Less Government Restrictions

It’s your farm right? You should be able to do with it what you choose.

We couldn’t agree more, and this one of the reasons that Kentucky makes such a great place for a farm - a definite lack of government restrictions compared to other parts of the country.

You should be able to place your barn where you want, layout your farm’s facilities as you see fit and build roads as needed. Kentucky let’s you do all this with a minimum of red tape.

Although we’d recommend having at least 1-2 acres of grazing land for each horse, there aren’t any restrictions on the number of horses you can keep on your land either.

Low Taxes

What else needs to be said?

Kentucky offers lower tax rates than a lot of other states when it comes to the purchase of a horse farm. It can vary a bit depending on the county you plan to buy in, but tax rates typically range between 0.75 to 1%.

Also, if you are purchasing land in excess of 10 acres, you can qualify for a agricultural exemption. Essentially, you’ll only be taxed on the value of the improvements you make and you don’t even have to prove you’re running an agricultural business.

Incredible Land for Horses

As we covered in previous blog posts - the land in Kentucky is made for raising horses.

The composition of the soil itself is primed for raising horses. The limestone that is distributed naturally beneath pastures across Kentucky is key in creating rich, fertile soils that grow grass that is filled with the kinds of vitamins and minerals that contribute to healthy horses.

The topography of the Kentucky landscape is also highly conducive to raising horses, especially the thoroughbreds that have become so iconic of our corner of the state. Racing type horses such as thoroughbreds require nearly flat or gently rolling landscapes to live, graze and exercise in.

Fantastic Horse Facilities

Lexington, Kentucky and the surrounding areas of Scott, Bourbon and Woodford County are built around raising horses. The people around here live and breath horses and it shows, in the landscape itself populated with horses and the unmatched facilities.

Farm owners will find access to equine hospitals, supplies and, of course, the interstate. Top notch training and racing facilities include the Keeneland Racetrack, Thoroughbred Training Center and the world-famous Kentucky Horse Park.

The choice is clear. What other state would a horse lover choose for a home? Let us know when you're ready to start your search.

Are you interested in making a land or farm purchase in the Lexington, KY area? Please get in touch with Hill or Regan Parker online or call 859-608-8039 today!

Posted by Hill Parker on
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